ComX Recent Reads Live Stream – Monday Night at 7:30pm AEST – ep11

Join us live on Monday night at 7:30pm AEST for another exciting episode of ComX Recent Reads This week, our guests will be sharing their thoughts on a recently read comic of their choice. From mainstream superhero titles to indie gems, manga, graphic novels, and even epic story arcs, no teen-friendly comic is off-limits! Whether you're a seasoned comic book fan or just looking for some new reading inspiration, this is the perfect show for you. Don't miss out on the fun: Like, share, and subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date with all our live streams, comic book reviews, and more. Hit that notification bell to ensure you never miss an episode of ComX Recent Reads!
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(there may be errors in the following text)

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:17):
Welcome to Comex Recent reads. It’s another Monday night, it’s another night to talk about comics. We are here with, let me get my little notes. So I actually say the right things about everyone. We’ll go from Ed known for Radical Comics. Woo. There we’ve got, oh yeah, and then I’ll ask you, what are you showing us tonight?

Ed Kearsley (00:43):
Tonight? Are we looking at BIP and Tracks by Dan Watts.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (00:48):
Nice. Nice. That’s in my to read pile. I’m looking so you can tell me if it’s worth digging into the pile and finding Shannon Browning known for Robo Tune and Making awesome videos, which I won’t play, but it’s awesome. It’s awesome. It’s an awesome video. What are you talking about tonight? Sorry?

Shannon browning (01:07):
I’m going to be talking about a comic called The Wrong Earth, which with a creative team that I’ll quickly look up while they’re just talking.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:14):
Okay, cool. We’ll go around like a clock. So then re, who is famous for Comic X one? So it’s Comic XX with an I. Not

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:27):
To be

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:27):
Confused people. One the word one. And that is a cool site. What will you be looking at tonight, my friend?

Saurabh Bhatia (01:35):
So the comic I’ll be talking about is digital only doesn’t have print yet, and it’s by a creator called Sean Golding. It’s called Guns of Brixton. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:48):
Sounds interesting. A really fun

Saurabh Bhatia (01:50):
Comic can way to talk about it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:52):
Cool. And then Nathan, who’s known for Tree? No, three. I keep wanting to say Tree. Tree Hollow. Tree Hollow.

Nathan (02:01):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:02):
Tree Hollow.

Nathan (02:04):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:04):
Been doing it all day practising . I’ve been practising Tree Hollow. No. Tree Hollow.

Nathan (02:08):
There is, I guess there’s some trees, isn’t it? I’m doing a righteous thirst for vengeance. It’s a nice short title, which is an image comic. So it’s not local, it’s international. I

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:21):
Like it. That’s okay. All comics are allowed here. And me, I am Siz from comics. That’s without an eye. And yeah, that pretty much sums me up at the end of the day and believe it or not, the only comment I’ve read this week is Three Hollow, so that’s what I’ll be talking about.

Nathan (02:44):
Oh, blindsided. Oh, I’m scared now. Scared.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:50):
Not intentional. I didn’t mean to do this on the same show that you were on, but it’s just happened.

Nathan (02:54):
You just did it because it was less work. It’s like if I read this, I’ve already read it. I don’t have to read another

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:58):
Comic. Right. Well that is it as well. See, ed knows me. Well look at him nodding. He knows me. Well he knows. Yeah, that’s just Siz getting out of doing some work.

Nathan (03:08):
I feel it. I’ve been there.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:10):
Okay, so this is part of the video work. Oh, sorry, comments? Yes. Give us some comments.

Ed Kearsley (03:18):
So we’ve got absent-Minded says Hi guys. Hi from Alison. Got yo from Ley. We got Lee and Jeffrey. Hello to everyone.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:36):
Sweet. And what I was going to say is to everyone watching room include like share and subscribe, like the video, share it with your friends and subscribe to the channel. That would be awesome. It helps us grow, helps us get more content out to you that you can all, I don’t know, I’m trying to think of a joke and I can’t think of one consume

Nathan (03:57):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:01):
So this would be the part where we talk about the comics, I believe, unless I’m stuffing it up. So I’ll go in the same order that we introduced everyone in. I’ll go last for once. I usually always go first. I’m going to go last. I’m going to start with Ed. Come on over to the big window. Ed.

Ed Kearsley (04:19):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:20):

Ed Kearsley (04:22):
So I’ve got Pipa Tracks Intergalactic Real Estate written in Drawn by Dan Watts and you could see it’s in this odd format, which, oh look, and it’s signed in 2016.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:39):
Oh nice.

Ed Kearsley (04:40):
Is when I got it and I just got round to reading it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:46):
I was about to do that. I about to ask you

Nathan (04:50):
Reading it again or

Ed Kearsley (04:51):
Just reading it for the first time. If you see there, one of the cool things is there’s a little cast picture of who’s on every page and it’s written and framed like a newspaper strip. But then we get these big, the single panels. You can see how good Dan is at writing my artwork. I think he’s maybe one of the best in Australia at this kind of art. The way he balances the black and the white on the page. It’s with the really detailed stuff, but still really well-balanced and so it’s about the guys Bipping tracks who worked for Mr. D, who’s that guy, and they have to go do a delivery and they’ve got the Bounty Hunter guy is the pilot for the mission and they get attacked by Pirate who are trying to get the belt hunter and the thing that they’re supposed to pick up. They’re supposed to pick up a pet called Squeezy and it turns out to be a big monster.

It flows really well. It’s a thick book, but because of the format, because there’s not that much stuff per page, but they’re squeezy and they find out who the thing is, but it reads really quick. The stories paste super well and the full page panels, they all feel really deserved and it’s just really well done. The way he does it and seeing this guy, there’s a lot of stuff that reminded me of the early Ninja Turtles, the Kevin Eastman Peter Leard stuff with the, because that guy looks like a bit like the last Ronan guy, but the bi and Tracks characters, just their design when they’ve got their little hats on and stuff. They kind of remind me of Ninja Turtles a bit and it’s got the World Sci-Fi story and what else? It’s really well drawn. Dan Watts is such a great artist. I met him at a convention and I got original Art of bip and also if you’ve got radical two, we got Dan to do the laser balls pin up sweet for the back of issue too.

I love laser balls and that’s a really great picture. You can see how he’s balanced the black and white as well on that. I’ve got the original art for that, but I didn’t start looking for it until about 10 minutes before the show starts and I couldn’t find it. But yeah, Sean, he’s got the layout reminds me of what Flats books. It’s very reminiscent of the old way they’d reprint the newspaper strips. Like your Garfields and Snoopy books would often come like that. And I’ve got a, no, that’s not it. I, I’ve got a Snoopy book somewhere but would show you for reference. But yeah, it’s really well written. The pacing’s excellent, the artwork’s unreal. It’s good comic books and it’s fun. It’s a fun read with all the bad guys are jerks. The good guys are kind of jerks too. It’s good fun. It’d be great to see him do some more because he’s such a great writer. It’s a really well-made comic book.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:04):
Have you got anything else by Dan?

Ed Kearsley (09:08):
I don’t think so. I don’t know if he’s done that much more stuff. He just,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:11):
Oh, okay.

Ed Kearsley (09:12):
Did he did some artwork for that new toy line that he was talking about when he was on Let’s make a comic book. But I’m not that sure if he’s done much more actual comic book stuff, but if he has, I would like to see because he, he’s very good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:38):
That’s cool. No questions for anyone else. Doesn’t look like it. No, but it looks like a lovely comic. I love the newspaper strip layout. It’s just so unique. Yeah,

Ed Kearsley (09:52):
It works really well as a wide format kind of TV screen. It makes it kind of cinematic too

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (09:59):
Nice. Okay. Never thought of that. I spent too much time bitching that it wouldn’t fit in my Coke box. That’s just,

Ed Kearsley (10:09):
That’s one of the downsides of when you do a size comic book

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (10:15):
Still looks very cool. I have got a special box for all the odd shaped comics. Okay, we’ll go in the same order. So that means Shannon’s going to tell us about his book. I

Shannon browning (10:30):
Thank you, sis. Okay, so I’m doing probably, I can only really describe it as mainstream independent. It’s a book called The Wrong Earth. I discovered this a few years back, just randomly you’re going through the comic stuff and the cover just seemed intriguing. There we go. Basically what it is, imagine if the Adam West Batman and the Christopher Nolan Batman accidentally swapped earths. So Adam West Batman running around with Heath ledgers joker while Christian Bale is trying to take down Burgess, Meredith and Co. It’s by, I have this here, sorry, excuse me. The writer and creator is Tom Pier. P-E-Y-E-R. I hope that I’m, I’m pronouncing that correctly. The original artist was Jamal, IGLE, Iley, I, I dunno, I’ve just mangled his name. Fantastic artist. I’m sorry. I apologise to him profusely.

It’s interesting the way they’ve been doing it. They started it off as an ongoing series and it had about six or seven issues that way and then they kind of cancelled that and they just have done limited runs since. Kind of reminds me a little bit of how they used to do Astro City. So whenever they’ve got a new storyline, they just do that storyline, which is a continuation. It’s still all telling the same story and one goes from the next goes to the next, but it just gives you a chance to not be burdened to buy all of this backstory. At the same time, the lead character is called Dragonfly. Actually the grim and gritty version is Dragonfly and then the campy version is Dragonfly Man.

They both have a sidekick called Stinger. I think Grim and Gritty’s version of Stinger got killed. And so he’s onto his second stinger, but the Campy version still has his version and the campy version is talking about things like being a good citizen and instructing Stinger to finish his homework and clean his teeth and the importance of a good diet and that sort of thing. While the other one is basically just telling him not to be an asshole and to do what he’s supposed to do, it is an intriguing read. I really enjoy it. The art is fantastic. They’ve had a few different artists, but the majority of the art is done by Jamal.

Very sort of realistic kind of style to it as well. So it really compliments, he really does this great juxtaposition in doing the campy stuff and in the design rather than the actual artwork. So the campy version has pouches and has this simplified, he’s obviously wearing a jumpsuit that’s been dyed and he’s got a cape tie to it and you see the mask he’s wearing and the clip around it and how it’s holding on. And then you see the grim and gritty version and it’s streamlined and it’s vacuum formed and he’s wearing a helmet rather than just like a cow and that sort of thing. And same with the villains as well. The campy version starts dealing with just cops and crims and that sort of thing, and he’s shocked and appalled at just how violent and mean and horrible they are while the grim and gritty version is losing his mind a little bit because if he feels like the villains taking anything seriously, I think there was a new issue out just last week or just recently, which I managed to read where he’s been going out and getting drunk in the campy world because nothing’s realistic.

It doesn’t make any sense to him anymore. And it also plays on the whole thought of the multiverse. I think they call it the mega verse in this point, and how if there’s a multiverse and anything that you do here, the opposite happens somewhere else, then there’s anything you do here matter, which was something that they plagued with in the, I think it was called Crisis on Earth, two animated movie that DC did that had the crime syndicate in it. Our man was talking about some of those concepts. But yeah, I really enjoy this. I always look forward to a new issue coming out and I think it’s a really, really clever book.

Nathan (16:03):
Sounds awesome. Yeah, it’s a pretty funny idea. I think that’s pretty good.

Shannon browning (16:09):
Yeah, I think DC when they were doing the planetary series, I dunno if any of you ever read that. If you haven’t go and track that down, it’s amazing. But they did a special one-off call I think night in Gotham where Snow and his team were in Gotham City in the planetary universe, but there’s no Batman there, but something was happening and they were jumping all through the multiverse and they kept on meeting all these different versions of Batman. So yeah, this is very, very similar to that.

Nathan (16:45):
Oh cool. Very cool, very cool.

Ed Kearsley (16:48):
Do you think that the way that they release them works better than just having an unlimited series just constantly running, doing it in a chunk? Personally,

Shannon browning (16:57):
Yeah, because of the way the business has worked, the regular series, something coming out on a regular basis is what we’re all used to and I get that, but that works best when you have revolving creative teams. You can bring a new writer on, you can bring new artists on, you can bring fill in artists on and run in the middle of the run and that sort of thing. So once the creative team runs out of stories, they can bring another creative team in and can keep going from there. Since this is creator owned, I appreciate the fact that they wait until they’ve got a story to tell before they tell that story rather than just putting a book out to make sure they’re hitting their deadlines. And I think that’s a really clever way to keep the story fresh and to keep the quality of what you’re producing up. And it also just gives you something to look forward to. I mean, when all of a sudden a new storyline comes out or a new book comes out, even if it’s been six months or 12 months or something like that, oh, you get really excited. Hey, there’s a new book this, I get to read it again.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:12):
Nice, nice. Really nice. Cool. Thanks Sharon.

Shannon browning (18:17):
You’re welcome.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:20):
Okay, so have we got any comments? Not at the moment, but else of it. Tell us about your book, my friend.

Saurabh Bhatia (18:29):
Awesome. I will try my best to share my screen if that does it. No, because this is a new computer, there could be a bit off. I apologise in advance if that happens.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:48):
This will be fun because this is set up to cover all us four when you share the screen.

Saurabh Bhatia (18:54):
Oh yes. Let me see. That didn’t work.

Shannon browning (19:01):
I’m just admiring your matrix poster on the wall while you’re figuring that out.

Saurabh Bhatia (19:04):
Oh, thank you so much.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:06):
I didn’t notice that.

Saurabh Bhatia (19:08):
I have a few, I have a perfect fiction one right here. I don’t know if I can show you in Brooklyn. Nine nine. Oh,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:14):

Saurabh Bhatia (19:18):
Yeah, I’m sorry, I’m unable to share my screen, but

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:23):
That’s okay.

Saurabh Bhatia (19:25):
Can do a shameless work. We are doing a launch party next week with the creator of the book. So all are invited. The book is called Guns of Brixton. It’s about a punk crop band in London. Of course Brixton is a suburban London. They have flats there as they call it. It’s about a punk rock band called Heads of the State, and they literally wear masks of Trump and they play all this anarchist music on the stage wearing these masks. They even have some lyrics and some songs playing in the comic and it’s really fun and it just so happens that the mosh bit in that concert is the site of a zombie outbreak. So they’re in the middle of the concert and they’re squashing zombies in that punk rock concert.

It’s a fresh take on the idea and it’s a good mashup of a lot of ideas that already exist and all this government conspiracy theories and punk rock and zombies. When you put all of that together, it’s a good mix. So yeah, I really enjoyed reading it. I finished in 15 minutes and I was like, oh yeah, this is, it’s so good. The creator is Sean Golding. He’s a first time writer and I was surprised by the quality of writing and stuff. An Australian based in UK and the artist by an Argentinian artist called Renzo. His name is Renzo poa. Yeah, yeah, pretty epic comic overall, even the feel of the pages is very grungy and they have an extra texture to it, like the whole colour and it’s all neons and things like that gives you a very punk rock kind of feel to it. Yeah,

Nathan (21:37):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:38):
Cool. Not to repeat my question that I had before, but have you read anything else by these creators is

Nathan (21:44):

Saurabh Bhatia (21:45):
It’s their first time creating this book, so I don’t know Renzo’s other work, but Sean, it’s Sean’s first book as a writer, so yeah, pretty exciting.

Nathan (21:59):
Cool. The guns are, Brixton is a clash song too if you’re familiar with them. Oh, okay. I can imagine what this looks like in my mind, pretty

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:14):
Getting the zombies in a mosh pit to be honest. Yeah.

Nathan (22:19):
Is there leather jackets and spikes in it? It had to be some of the mosh bits I’ve seen. You’d wonder how they could tell which one of the zombies,

Saurabh Bhatia (22:31):
That’s probably the point. You wouldn’t notice zombies in a mosh bit.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:41):
So how were you introduced to this book? Just them coming to your site or you found them somewhere?

Saurabh Bhatia (22:47):
Yeah, Sean just emailed me and he just asked me, he just wanted to post on the site and he was looking for avenues to actually promote the book, so I may send him here.

Nathan (23:04):
Pretty good guy

Saurabh Bhatia (23:06):
Out with. So yeah, he just emailed me and it was really, really fun talking to him. So I thought, and that’s literally the only book I had read in the last week as well. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:27):
So a bit like me,

Saurabh Bhatia (23:30):
I have been reading a lot of books by for upcoming Kickstarters and some of the upcoming campaigns, so it’s hard for me to read that’s already there on the stack. All the new stuff keeps coming and I kind of read them in the moment and then the stuff that’s stacked is already there so it just stays there.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:56):
Yeah, totally know the feeling. Cool. Thanks man. Much appreciated. That sounds like a cool book.

Saurabh Bhatia (24:05):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (24:08):
So my friend Nathan, tell us about these. Is it, oh shit, I’ve forgotten now. Tell us about the book.

Nathan (24:15):
Yeah, so this is the title, this is the biggest issue of this book. It’s awesome, but a righteous thirst for vengeance, so you’re not alone. I always forget it. I randomly stumbled across this one just online because I was looking at different artists and I was like, man, that cover looks cool. And then I looked at the art, I saw a preview of the artist and I was like, yeah, I’ll just get that pretty much based solely on that and the genre because it’s a thrillery sort of suspense sort of thing, which is my sort of gem in terms of comics and movies, anything like that where you’re kind of thinking, well, what’s going on? And then what’s going on? Anything where I can’t see stuff coming, I tend to enjoy it because I try to figure it out in my head so it kind of switches something I’m like, oh, I like to be surprised a little bit.

It’s a bit of a unique comic. It’s kind of about a guy who, it starts off, he’s having a really bad day, everything. It’s like when you’re having that bad day, you’re trying to go to work and everything little can go wrong, just does. And he, he’s trying to have a smoke and then it starts raining and it rains on his smokes and he’s like, ah, bad life then. Yeah, so it’s weird. I was like, okay, this is interesting. So the guy I swear is based on if you guys know Wong from MCU and stuff, he looks a lot like that. I don’t know if that’s an intentional thing. He

Saurabh Bhatia (25:45):

Nathan (25:46):
Won. Yeah, he looks a lot like that guy, but everything I’ve seen, there’s no mention of that is based on him or anything, but I feel like it’s really close. But the artist is really cool. I think I looked him up a while ago. From what I understand, his background is architecture, so his Andre Lima once again, I can’t pronounce that. And then the writer is reprimand, so I’m sure you guys would be probably, you would’ve heard of recommender before. I haven’t read a lot of reprimand stuff. I know he’s actually a pretty well-known writer. I haven’t read a lot of his stuff apart from this, but essentially it kind of turns into, it appears he basically takes the bus after everything’s gone wrong and he goes to a house and he’s at the house and he’s looking around and basically the family at the house have all been brutally murdered. So it kind of swaps out pretty quick from guys having a bad day. No was in a bad situation. He panics. So I don’t too much where I’m just give him to sit up what really in it and then he panics, he leaves, I’m going to get out of here.

So the start of a client gets you intrigued, what does this guy do? Whose house is this? There’s a lot of unasked questions. It turns out really as the setup, it’s not really giving much away. They kind of say it in the blurb but badly. But essentially he’s impersonating a assassin or a colourful hire on the dark web and he’s got an account and he’s essentially, there’ll be a job for that, that person, that family, there’s a job out for them to get killed and he’s basically trying to prevent that in his own way, except he’s got no skillset, right? So he’s like the anti John Wick. So he is like, if John Wick is really good, that’s not my best explanation. John Wick is good. He can shoot, he can kill people. This guy’s bad, he’s underqualified, but for some reason he thinks you don’t know that.

And that’s the only thing I think they kind of hint at it. But there’s obviously they’ll explore that later because this is only book one, so I think this has got five issues in it, but they put a little couple hints in there, which I won’t say, but you’re not sure why he’s doing it, but you assume it’s he’s a good guy. So after that house, he goes back onto the website and says there’s another job and he goes straight back out. And this one, he manages to get there on time before stuff has gone wrong, but you quickly see that he’s in way over his head and has no skills and he’s up against very organised, very skilled killer or killers that are in the same thing. And then he definitely had a fish out of water, but trying to do the right thing.

And I think that’s the best thing about the comic I thought was interesting. And the artwork is really cool because there is a lot of shots like the setting shop who’s doing stuff like this. You can kind of tell that the guy’s got a really good sense of perspective and just architecture. It’s a very open line art style, which is, I’m a big fan of, I like Frank quarterly artists like that where there’s not heavy uses of blacks and stuff. So that’s always been, I’m interested to see how can use that. But yeah, I just think he’s got a really good style, really good storytelling. My main thing was I read it and you read it in one session, so it’s half an hour, but it’s really immersive. So I read it and it’s almost like you watch the TV show, you’re watching a Game of Thrones or something and you’re like, oh, it’s over.

So that’s a big win for me. You don’t get that with all comics. We’ve all had that. I think hopefully when you’ve read a comic and you’re like, you forget you’re reading a comic, that story, it’s so well done that it’s just you are in the story, you are watching it, you’re taking what you can and it’s done. You’re like, oh, I’m back in my room or wherever it was. And yeah, you don’t always get that from comments, different comments to different things. Well, but I think these guys with the writing and the artwork, yeah, I really liked, I won’t give too much away in terms of anything how it spirals out of control, but there’s a bit of setup. My only worry is that the setup kind of gets too big because there’s a bit of world building in there and I feel like, you know how John, we starts off a really small self-contained story and then you find out all the assessors are working for a big company and then they’re competing. I feel like there’s a little bit of that stuff going on in the background and I’m like, yeah, I worry about stuff getting too big. Sometimes it can kind of get in the way of character. Sometimes you’re taking that focus away from those characters, which you like, but that’s just my take on it. But yeah, I think that’s, I can’t really say much more without giving too many details away. I’m sure you guys never heard of it or read it before.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:37):
No, no, actually,

Nathan (31:42):
Yeah, it’s pretty cool. It’s a bit of gore in there. It’s definitely not a kid’s book. You wouldn’t give it to a kid to read. It’s definitely that kind of thriller, mature kind of thrill read. You don’t quite know what’s going on. There’s couple little spins in there, but there’s some humour as well. Some really, when he stuff’s up, it’s funny, but you kind of laugh at it, which that’s really hard to do where it’s likes serious tone, but it’s like he’s trying to save someone and just stuffs up. But it’s not a comedic book. But the way they do it, it is funny and the kind of guy he is as well, because I think he’s Chinese and I think from what his smokes are, I’m just making a connection there. But it’s just funny because everything goes so bad for him, so you want to root for him. I think that’s the thing. So yeah, I’ll give it eight out of 10 on those.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:43):
We’re giving scores now.

Nathan (32:46):
I’ve given it a score eight out of 10, which is for me, it’s really high.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:50):
Oh, that’s awesome.

Nathan (32:52):
What’s the title again? Nathan? Yeah, that’s the biggest issue of this book. So a righteous vineyards. I don’t know if that’s reversed. I feel like it’s No, it’s right. So you can, yeah, it’s on Amazon and everything I’m pretty sure. But really, really good art and really good writing. Sweet, really good colorist as well. The colours of really simple, but almost like Mobius, you know how the old Mobius stuff is really just really kind of simple colour palettes that bring out the line nuts. Yeah. Hopefully that’s enough to get intrigued. You people watch it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:41):
Cool. That’s awesome. That’s it. I want to pick that up now and add it to my read poll and never read it. It’s not because I don’t want to, but I just don’t have the time. I will absorb the story by holding the book

Nathan (33:57):
Or get angry at me because you’re like, this was not an eight out of 10. You lied to me Nathan.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:03):

Nathan (34:03):
And a half Nathan. Damn you. Yeah, your soft spot for that genre. I knew it. So you’re like rogue. Rogue. Yeah. I mean says you’re like rogue. So you get the story by just touching it.

Ed Kearsley (34:22):
I touch it. Can we get a look at some of the interiors, some of the character drawings

Nathan (34:32):
And stuff? Yeah, I’ll try to find a good,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:35):
Anything that’s safe.

Nathan (34:37):
Yeah, there’s some nudity and there’s some blood, but not, it’s not in a crazy way. If you find a good page, that’s fine. Probably the stars. So that’s kind of one of his opening scenes. So you see him,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:55):
Oh nice.

Nathan (34:57):
It’s really open line style and you’re seeing Yeah, it is just like they do a really good job of just putting him in the world and showing kind of how his day’s going, but showing he’s a genuinely nice guy. There’s a couple here, they’re waiting off for the bus and it’s raining. He’s like, oh, you go first and then she can’t close her umbrella, so he’s just standing out getting wet and they can’t get, she’s like, oh, I’m stuck. And he’s just like, and then that’s how cigarettes get wet and he is just like, ugh. It’s just the stupidest little attention to detail things. Nice. Yeah, but it is, to kind of give you an idea, he is a genuine guy. He’s a nice guy. But yeah, you dunno why. The only thing I think they’re going to reveal later what’s going on with him that’s making him do it. You don’t know his backstory. You just come and like boom. You see in that first page where we was just scanning there with the smoke and that’s him. He’s just walked out of a convenience store pretty much. So yeah, which is kind of a good way to start it. Yeah,

Ed Kearsley (36:08):
It’s got the open line art and then it looks like it’s flat colour. It doesn’t have much.

Nathan (36:14):
Yeah, there is some gradient in there, but yeah, it’s very flat and the way they do the covers, every villain killer, they have their own kind of colour, which they kind of see. They you, yeah, they’ll do things where it’s all yellow sort of thing. That’s good. And you’re seeing, yeah, they try to, I dunno, I don’t even know what you’d call that. I’m not colory. But yeah, I think they do a lot of interesting things in this book and a lot of it you don’t even realise because that’s how good it’s,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:58):
That’s pretty cool.

Shannon browning (37:01):
The art for some reason is reminding me of some old school Akira art.

Nathan (37:06):
Yeah, it’s a weird, because the guy is, he is South American or something. I remember he hasn’t done a lot of work either. He’s done a random fantastic floor backing story, which is four pages or something. I’m sure he is done more work now, but he hasn’t, before this, he hadn’t done a whole lot. I think he’s done his own book, which yeah, I couldn’t tell you what it’s, but he’s very good. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:40):
Nice. That’s awesome.

Shannon browning (37:42):
Nice stuff.

Nathan (37:44):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:46):
Back to me now after all those wonderful talking about comics and wonderful descriptions and just in depth, depth analysis. Here comes the guy who doesn’t know anything about comics. But before we do that, I get Ed to go through the comments.

Ed Kearsley (38:03):
Alrighty. We got from the fourth monkey, you got Macas for dinner Han? No,

Shannon browning (38:14):
I was trying to do that subtle over here. No, it was just chicken and chips and chips are terrible cold, so I’m trying to scoff ’em down.

Nathan (38:21):

Ed Kearsley (38:23):
Three cheers for literacy. Howdy all. I’m Ryan.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:27):
Thanks Ryan.

Ed Kearsley (38:30):
David Shiri. Nice cover. Hi old. Great review, Nathan.

Nathan (38:34):
Thanks. Thanks. That’s very nice. Agreed.

Ed Kearsley (38:37):
And it looks cool, especially the bus. That bus did look

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:40):
Cool. Yeah,

Nathan (38:41):
Yeah. All the little stuff is so well done.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:44):
Yeah, and I have to follow that crap. Well I’ll show you. It did great. I’ll show you. No, no I won’t. But thank you for believing in me. Well first of all, I’ve got the cover. So you sent me a pdf. Seriously. I do have the cover. Here we go. Three hollow

Nathan (39:12):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:13):
And I cannot go as in depth. I will admit I like the opening scene where it’s sort of like you’re zooming in to the house. I thought that was kind of cool like a movie. But when I read this, I seriously read all the way through. Is that all? It was a full comic, but I had no idea I’d read that many pages. They’re

Nathan (39:40):
Saying that’s a good thing,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:42):
Story. I’m going, I just spent the whole time going, what’s happening here? Why are they doing that? What’s happening here? Who’s that? What’s she doing? What are they doing? What’s he doing? What are they doing? And the next thing it finishes and I’m like, what the crap? But yeah, it was a really cool story. It is. Just bring Nathan up for a sec so we can see his link. So there it is. Global I bet you wanted that read out.

Nathan (40:16):
Yeah, so it’s fully free to read. I just put it up there so you can read it, enjoy it, what it is. So until it gets printed one there something.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:28):
Yep. Cool. So that’s where I read it. Well I read the PDF first and then I read it there because I thought there were two different comics. That’s a joke between Nathan

Nathan (40:43):
To be fair. There is a lot going on in those.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:46):
There’s a lot going on. And I couldn’t figure it out. I couldn’t like, but it was done in such a way that it wasn’t like, what the fuck are this? Fuck this shit. You were actually like, what is going on? I really want to know what’s happening. And then they do this, they do this and then that guy gets the thing through his guts and you’re like,

Nathan (41:06):
Well spoilers.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:08):
Oh sorry, spoilers, sorry, sorry. It’s free comic. It’s okay. Spoilers are okay. I didn’t say which guy. I just said eight guys. So you never know. Could be any guy. It could be random

Nathan (41:18):
How many people.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:22):
Yeah. But it was really cool. I did enjoy it and now I’m hanging out for the next issue. Just assuming this was setting everything up. I’ve actually trainer in the room so I can ask him. Is that what it was? Yeah. Okay.

Nathan (41:36):
Yeah, pretty much a hundred percent. So it’s like the pilot of a TV show is Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:44):
That’s the buy by guy.

Nathan (41:46):
It’s like you, you’re meeting these three different main characters but you don’t have their backstories. You’re coming into a series of an event is happening. The main kind of guy, he doesn’t know what’s going on and he’s just basically put into a situation where it’s like he has to help another person that is, I don’t know, in a really bad spot. And he is like, what would a normal person who’s not super toxic is just going to help them out. And that unfortunately triggered, there’s other events going on in the background and it’s basically three different characters all connecting in terms of one event towards the end of it. They all come together and I can’t really say why happy? No, no one’s happy in it. These characters don’t like each other. It’s not like they’re like, oh man, I’m happy to see you. It’s really like, what are you doing here? He is really jaded and I think that kind of comes across.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:57):
On that note, ed, from now on I’m doing a book of someone we are bringing in so they can do all the talking for me. Awesome. That was freaking awesome.

Nathan (43:10):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:10):
Cheated like a bit of male erotica. There’s an awesome little showering, you don’t see everything, but

Nathan (43:20):
I did this right, I did this. Okay it it’s not nudity, it’s this dude in the shower. Right. But I’ve taken some heat from people bit, you put a lot of thought into that shower, how he was standing and he’s got a lot of muscle and you focusing on things. I’m like,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:40):
I spend a lot of time on that page.

Nathan (43:43):
In my mind I was like, well if I draw a naked guy, this is going to be semi-naked. But when I have to draw a female in the same thing, she, it’s balanced. So you’ve got, it’s a quality. There’s going to be, and there is no naked woman or anything in this book, but later on there is. And it’s like, well hey, this naked, naked guy. Something for

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:09):
Everyone. Nice.

Nathan (44:13):
I’m glad you enjoyed the shower soon. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:16):

Nathan (44:17):
That was the big takeaways.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:19):
That was my big takeaway. Yep. XO scene and the zooming in at the beginning and what the beep is going on.

Nathan (44:28):
And to be fair, you’re not meant to know. You’re not meant know the backstory, you just meant to No, no,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:33):
I got that

Nathan (44:34):
Impression. Just be kind of intrigued. Who are these people and what is going on? And my main thing is I wanted them to see these people and then just go, I want to know a little bit more.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:47):
Yes. That’s what it did. You did it in a good way. I must admit. Yeah, we definitely, ed, we’ve got to organise this from now on. I’ve got to read someone who’s on. This is great. This is great. I’m loving this.

Nathan (45:00):
I like how I did a double review. I did a review on myself balancing guys, people. Yeah, no, that’s the funniest thing about it though is the most talked about part of the book was like, yeah, that shower scene pretty, there’s no one else in the shower. It’s just a guy having to shower. Guys, I’m glad he everyone enjoyed the shower scene.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:27):
I’m so glad you were here with us.

Nathan (45:30):
Yeah, there’s not full front all I’ll say that. There’s some conveniently placed steam, there’s steaming

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:39):
To sort of hide things and it’s from the side and

Nathan (45:43):
Beautiful, beautiful side shot’s,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:45):
Awesome stuff. I’m all excited. And if you want to come on and let me read your book and you do most of my review for you, for me, that would be awesome. And the best way to do that is go to comic show slash interest. There’s a form there, not just this show, any of the shows that we do. You can show some interest for them and I’ll get in contact with you after you fill out that form and we’ll talk about getting you onto a show or shows whichever way it works out. So that would be awesome if you fill that form out. We want people to come to me because I’m sick of going to people.

Nathan (46:30):
That’s why you keep coming to me, right? You’re like, man,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:32):
Well they can come to you and then you tell ’em to come to me. That’ll

Nathan (46:35):
Work. I’ve got no one this week. Can you come on? Okay, sweet.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:42):
Yeah, sorry Kerry in the background just said, don’t ask what Siz can do for you. Ask what you can do for Siz.

Nathan (46:51):
It’s true.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:52):
I love it. I

Shannon browning (46:53):
Love it. I’m just wondering how many of us are listed in your phone under fill in

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:05):
For that. Oh, and while we’re in the middle of the show, this is a good time to catch people and go like the video, share the video with your friends and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. Yeah, that’s what we’re talking about.

Nathan (47:21):
If you want to see more, you’ve got to subscribe. If you don’t subscribe, I don’t get paid. That’s a big thing. If

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:31):
You subscribe, I don’t get paid. Oh, hang on.

Nathan (47:35):
How much money we’re not getting paid for this. Checks in the mail. It’s

Shannon browning (47:41):
All in exposure. Just like your shower thing.

Nathan (47:48):
Wow. Subscribe for more means more in the shower scene.

Shannon browning (47:56):
This feels like the only fans on earth where they’d pay you to put your clothes back on.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:03):
No, no. That would be my

Nathan (48:04):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:07):
Anyway. Comics after night. Look it up.

Nathan (48:13):
It’s going to go on the blurb. Are you a fan of showering men? This is the comic for you. That’s deep thoughts in the shower. Tastefully drawn moods.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:32):
Well this is one part of the night where we all get to plug something before the show. I knew exactly what I was going to plug after this show. Right now in this particular part of the show, I have no idea anymore what I planned to plug. All I’ve got in my head is nude men. I’m sorry.

Nathan (48:54):
It happens. Well,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:59):
I’ll still do the minute and see what I can come up with. So I’ll go first and try to remember what I was going to talk about. So we’ll just sit here while I think, no, I’ll get the video if I can find it.

And away we go. Well, I could promote Stella Lands, but that finished today for anyone who missed it though. We are doing the late pledge. This is a new thing with Kickstarter where if you missed out you can pledge a little later on and they put on a percent extra. So it’s cost a little bit more than if you had a pledge in the first place. I think like a dollar or $2 or something. So if you missed out and you still want the book, get in there, do the late pledge. But most of today has been celebrating the fact that we absolutely knocked it out of the park. 200 and something percent over Target.

Nathan (49:58):
Oh, well done.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:59):
Pretty cool. The other big news I’ve got, I don’t think I can say yet. Maybe leave that for next week. Yeah, well done Max. Well done. The Comex studio team who all help promote it and yeah, I’m just going to celebrate that little fact and leave it at that. Okay, let’s backwards just to mix it up a bit. Nathan,

Nathan (50:33):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:34):
Got a minute.

Nathan (50:35):
Yeah, I think it’ll literally plug my comic Mike for half of the show. So read it if you want to read it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:43):

Nathan (50:45):
If you’re a fan of not just shower scenes but interesting characters that you don’t always know what’s going on, but more thrillers, a little bit of action, a bit of intrigue. It could be the comic for you and if you like, I tried to make the scenery and it’d sit in the mountains, not in Australia, in a random part of America somewhere, but I tried to make the character this, what do you call it? The area, like the actual scene part of character in itself. So yeah, it is everything I like relative to wine comic and I hope other people like it too.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:28):
I like it too.

Nathan (51:30):
Siz likes it. And he gave it what, a 9.5 out of 10? Yeah, that’s what it was. Can’t argue with that. So there you go. Thank you.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:42):
Thanks Nathan.

Nathan (51:43):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:46):
Okay, now it’s your turn.

Saurabh Bhatia (51:49):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:50):
Tell us about yourself and what you want to promote.

Saurabh Bhatia (51:54):
I promote my website.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:56):
Yeah. Nice.

Saurabh Bhatia (51:57):
Yeah, so I’m from Comic one, I’m the founder and we are building a place on the internet that’s dedicated to independent comics from around the world. And of course we’ve landed our first bunch of Australian books from Wild North comics, some really cool books from Aiden, Aiden Roberts, and a bunch of award-winning Australian artists in there. Yeah. So the next version of comics, one is we are releasing an iPad app very soon and some really, really cool features that can supercharge fan experience for building fan experience for comic book creators. So yeah, if you want to join the site as a creator, most welcome and if you are looking for something to read, you can go on comics one and filter by categories and whatever kind of books you like. Yeah, that’s my Ted Talk.

Nathan (52:57):
Awesome man. That’s how you sell it. Yeah, well done.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:01):
Good stuff. And I’ve got to get off my ass and get our comics in there as well. Should. Oh language. Whoops. I was worse than that just a second ago without thinking about it. Yeah, Ed’s agree? He is going. Yeah. Shane, this one. See I’m in so much trouble. I’m using my actual name. Before we go, do you want to look at some comments before we do you guys? Sure. Is there more comments? I’m not looking, I’m not watching.

Ed Kearsley (53:33):
We’ve got a wave from Jo sson.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:37):
Oh that’s someone new.

Ed Kearsley (53:39):
We got Jo Illustrates. Love that Avengers t-shirt

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:45):
Too, by the way.

Ed Kearsley (53:47):
Yay. Over 200%. That’s awesome.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:50):
Thank you.

Ed Kearsley (53:51):
And Jeffrey is well done for the Kickstarter as well.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:55):
Thanks Jeffrey. And to those people who are new, if you haven’t subscribed already, this would be a good time to do it. So Shannon, do you have anything to subscribe to promote? Because last time you promoted Comex, which was awesome, are you doing that again or you got something for yourself or a friend or something?

Shannon browning (54:17):
I’ll be honest with you at the moment, what I would like to promote is the fact that I really need a job. So if anybody, I’m located in Sydney. I am a graphic designer and illustrator, but I’m also a video producer and editor as S keeps on plugging, I do motion graphics and stuff that I do for people. I also make posters and do Photoshop manipulation and stuff like that. So if anybody knows of anything going or is looking for anyone or even wants a little bit of one-off work done, contact me through my Instagram, which is Shan Studios, S-H-A-N-N Studios. And yeah, please drop me a line if you know anything other than that. When it comes to Comex, watch all the scissors shows, Ed’s on a bunch. We have wonderful guests like Nathan and, sorry, I hope I pronounce that right mate. There’s a show every night. Si

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:23):
Every night except Wednesdays only every second week, so I get to have a break every second Wednesday. He was talking about a new show that may be in the works as well. He’s trying

Shannon browning (55:35):
To find some way of plugging that gap because the last thing he wants to do is relax sort

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:42):
Of thing.

Shannon browning (55:44):
So yeah, hit subscribe, come and check out all the shows. We always have a bunch of great guys on or great, sorry, let me rephrase that. A great people on some very talented artists come in and draw stuff for us and they’re all clowns and they’re all Goose, so they’re all a lot of fun to listen to. So hang about at Comex for more stuff. And you didn’t put the timer on so I had no idea how long No,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:08):
No, no. You were promoting us. I wasn’t going to

Shannon browning (56:13):
Oh, let him talk all night. He’s talking about you. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:17):
There’s no limit when you’re talking about comic and

Shannon browning (56:21):
Oh, stop. No, keep going, keep going.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:25):
So Ed, your turn my friend.

Ed Kearsley (56:28):
Okay, so I’m Ed Kiley, I do comic book called Radical. This is one, an issue two, there’s issue three is out and available. Issue four is done and is just waiting for a proof. And then we’re going to be doing a Kickstarter for that. And I’ve got Ed Kiley Art at Instagram and on Patreon and that’ll show my other comics like Sea Andrews from Earth. I’ve got a fantasy book called Master Acts as well. And they’re doing the final Dragon comic for comics, which is very close to being ready for getting coloured and lettered. Oh sweet. It’s that. Yeah. And that’s me. Done

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:26):
Six Seconds to Spare. Talked about me for a little bit, so I was going to give you more time.

Shannon browning (57:35):
This is better than therapy.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:37):
Yeah, it’s awesome. So I think this is the time where Ed presses that special button of that ad that amuses me to no end. This is more for my entertainment than yours.

Voice Over (57:49):
Are you feeling a little down, tired of reading the same old books again and again looking for something different? Why not head over to the Comex shop now and pick yourself up some freshly inked. Inspiration?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:18):
Yeah, inspiration. So I guess we’re at the part of the show where I say, Hey everyone, if you’re interested in being on the show, now that you’ve seen the whole thing, it could be me. Go to Comex show slash interest and tell us that you want to be on one of these shows. I can’t read your mind. Seriously. Everyone seems to think I can, but I can’t. So let me know you want to be on the show and we’ll get you on one of these shows and we’ll all have a fun time together. So yes, we’ve had a few people who filled out that form and they’ve now been on shows or about to be on shows. So yeah, it’s working. It’s

Ed Kearsley (59:00):
Working. Do it

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:03):
Now we have for anyone familiar with the show, we’ve cut a section, cut it out so that we can go straight to the outro on the hour and I can’t believe how close we are to the hour.

Ed Kearsley (59:16):
We’ve got some comments to Fantastic.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:18):
Go through the comments my friend, and then we go on our way.

Ed Kearsley (59:22):
Shannon, you convinced me to buy a copy of Plastic Man Archives. I’d been considerate for a while, then I saw your recommendation.

Shannon browning (59:28):
Oh, excellent Dave. Yeah, you have to tell me what you think when you go through it, mate, because I’ve always, always been impressed by it. So I’d love to hear your thoughts as well,

Nathan (59:37):
Dave. Yeah, hi Dave. Thanks again for your help. All

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:41):
Good stuff,

Ed Kearsley (59:42):
Joe, back. Of course, I’ve subscribed, how could I not? How could I And did that from Jonas. It’s showing a new show.

Shannon browning (59:54):

Nathan (59:55):
Are interested, they want to

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:56):
Know people are interested.

Shannon browning (59:59):
Oh, thank you very much Jeffrey. I appreciate it.

Ed Kearsley (01:00:02):
Got red, red,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:04):

Ed Kearsley (01:00:06):
And great show, Pete.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:09):
Thanks. That

Nathan (01:00:09):
Helps me.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:11):
One thing I wanted to add before we go, I this Saturday I will be doing it’s back. Nice. That’s just me drawing really badly and talking crap. If you’re into that,

Shannon browning (01:00:25):
I’ll you basically, you’re reenacting my high school.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:28):
I just realised that what I was going to promote in my promotion, I’m the boss so I get to do it now. I didn’t actually just remember Kerry just reminded me this Sunday we are going to the comic, sorry, the Brisbane comic market that’s at comics plus the comic shop. And we’ll be there for a couple hours selling not only comic studio books, but we’ll be selling everything in the shop. So if you’ve got a book with us, we’ll be trying to sell it this Sunday. Everyone in Brisbane get there. Nice. I love the power I have.

Shannon browning (01:01:07):
You can’t read mines, but it seems Kerry can read yours. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:10):
Can read mine. Nice. Oh, thanks Alison. I just saw that comment. Thanks. Cool. I guess that’s the end. Thank you everybody for watching. Thank you everyone for participating. Thank you. The people on the screen and thank you for the comments and thank you to the people who watch this after it was live. We thank you as well. Thank you

Nathan (01:01:36):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:40):
And go to Comex show, watch reruns of anything we’ve had on in the past. So yeah, it’s a lot of fun. So next time. Awesome. Till next time,

Shannon browning (01:01:52):
See you.

Nathan (01:01:55):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:56):
Like share and subscribe.



Shane 'Sizzle' Syddall
